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Home » 8 foods seniors living with Dementia should Not Eat

8 foods seniors living with Dementia should Not Eat

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8 foods seniors living with Dementia should Not Eat

Change, they say, Is the only thing that is constant, and In this case, with regards to our Age and the food we eat. Older Adults dealing with cognitive illnesses will have to pay very close attention to what they eat, as it can greatly impact their wellbeing.

While the emphasis is on having a good diet and the right foods to eat, it’s important to know what to avoid. Most of the foods we are about to mention contain substances that help increase oxidative stress and inflammation.

Foods high in sugar and trans fats can also cause chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity:

Pastries and Sweets

Studies show that when more than 58% of the daily bodily requirement of calories is consumed by any individual, it can increase the chances of even developing demetia.

So that should give you an idea of the effect it will have on a Senior. Foods that contain a high glucose index can lead to brain inflammation, which ultimately affects memory.

Studies have also linked high sugar consumption to an increased risk of cognitive impairment.

Foods in this category include: White rice, White bread, breakfast cereals, sweets, etc. Instead, go for unsweetened teas unsweetened dairy products, etc. Also, be sure to avoid artificial sweeteners.

Fried Foods

As much as you would love to have a piece of fried chicken every now and then, it’s imperative to lay off fried foods as much as possible. Foods tend to release many chemicals during the frying process.

This can make dementia worse than it already is. Avoid it as much as you can and take it very moderately.

Refined carbs

Foods like white flour and white sugar fall under this category: They are often referred to as empty calories because they are stripped of literally all fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals.

Processed/Red meat

Red meat contains nitrates, nitrites, and other carcinogens which are often used as preservatives. This can lead to inflammation in the body and increase dementia.

They are high in saturated fat and contains copper which can increase the rate of raction of free radicals and in turn, oxidative stress. Pork, Lamb, bison, beef, etc. should all be on your blacklist if you want to stay healthy.


Foods like this contain trans fat, which can sometimes be harmful and pro-infalmmatory. It can also reduce sugar metabolism in the brain which can be harmful for a patient dealing with dementia.

Limit Butter intake as much as is possible to ensure a healthy body.


Cheese is generally quite healthy, but excessive consumption can be detrimental in the long run. They often contain preservatives that are pro inflammatory and harmful to the body. Reduce consumption to at most 1 serving per week.

MSG: Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

is a flavor enhancer often added to restaurant foods, canned vegetables, soups, deli meats, and other foods. It releases substances that overstimulate neurons in the brain and stifle proper functioning.

It’s important that you ensure a patient dealing with dementia avoids this entirely if possible.

One thing you can do is steer clear of processed foods and adopt a healthier, non processed food diet. The best way to do this is adopt a meal plan to monitor and control food intake.


Seniors with dementia should avoid foods to which they may be allergic or sensitive. Allergic reactions can cause inflammation and further aggravate cognitive decline.

Final Thoughts

For a caregiver, seniors may show signs of resentment (link to dealing with resentment) when introducing this new diet, but remain calm, be patient with them, and let them understand why it’s important.

Seniors living with dementia have to be mindful of their dietary choices to support their overall health and cognitive function.

Avoiding processed foods, sugary treats, artificial sweeteners, foods high in sodium and unhealthy fats, and consuming caffeine in moderation can go a long way toward helping seniors maintain a healthy lifestyle.

You can slow down the progression of dementia and possibly improve it by avoiding the wrong foods while eating the right ones.

I hope this article was helpful. Till next time!

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